Personal Information Protection Policy

Meitetsu World Travel, Inc., under its management philosophy: "Important of meeting people and communicating with each other as a way to contribute to the development of the society rich in heart" implements its policy: "following rules", "fair business activities", "positive communication activities", "ensuring security", "respect for people and society".
Based on the principle and policy, in order to protect the personal information of our customers handled by our company, we will implement the list below.

1. Management System
Our company will build a personal information management system that complies with the Japanese Industrial Standard "Personal Information Protection Management System – requirements (JTS Q15001)", and implement it to protect personal information taking into consideration business contents of each department.
2. Get, Use, Provide
In accordance with the personal information management system, we will acquire personal information appropriately, use and provide it within the range of the purpose. If there is a necessity of handling beyond the range of the purpose, we will use it after obtaining the customer's consent.
3. Accuracy and Ensuring Accuracy
We will strive to keep personal information accurate and up to date and take reasonable safety measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc.
4. Compliance with related laws and other norms
We will comply with the provisions of laws and ordinances and other norms, guidelines etc. concerning the protection of personal information.
5. Complaints about handing, consultation and disclosure
We will set a "Customer Consultation Room" to deal with complaints about handling, consultations, requests for disclosure etc., and responds to these requests for disclosure, correction, deletion, suspension of use etc., and also cope with complaints and provide consultations without delay.
6. Intermittent Improvement
We will regularly inspect the Personal Information Management System, by conducting audits etc., and intermittently improve it.

Revised: April 01, 2022

Meitetsu World Travel Inc., President: Michio Iwakiri