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サイアムカントリークラブパタヤ(オールドコース)Siam Country Club Pattaya

ゴルフクラブ紹介Golf club

サイアムカントリークラブパタヤSiam Country Club Pattaya

■18ホール Par72 6191ヤード










ホール数 18ホール
営業時間 受付時間:06:30
コースレート BL:74.1 BU:71.1 W:69.1 R:70.5
ラウンドスタイル 18ホールスループレー
ドレスコード ジーンズ、Tシャツ、短パン不可
スパイクの可否 ソフトスパイクシューズ
グリーンタイプ フェアウェイ:SEA SHORE PASPALUM
カートの種類 2名乗り用自走式、グリーンへの乗り入れ:不可
入浴施設 お風呂:なし シャワー:あり 
サウナ:なし ジャグジー:なし
ナイター設備 なし
練習場 あり
レンタルクラブ 2,000バーツ
レンタルシューズ 300バーツ


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オールドコース ホール1

Hole 1高いティーは、この素晴らしい開始ホールの息をのむような眺めを提供します。面積はそうでなければならない最初の着陸の右側の掩蔽壕は、ティーからすべての経費を避けました。緑に50ヤード不足した小さいポット掩蔽壕は、すべてのプレーヤーに高い緑への彼らの望ましいアプローチについての決定をすることを強制します。これは、地味な遊びによる相対的な簡単な開始穴です。

オールドコース ホール2

Hole 2 Bunkers located both short and long of main landing area offer several options on playing this hole. The green is defended by only one small bunker on the right front, but the grass hollows surrounding the raised green will test the recovery shots of all players. Subtle undulations in the green also add to the challenge of playing this hole.

オールドコース ホール3

Hole 3Length on the tee shot is a prerequisite on this uphill hole. The landing area is very narrow with bunkers and mature trees lining both sides of the fairway. The green is very slender in shape with very treacherous pin positions throughout making a score of par well earned.

オールドコース ホール4

Hole 4Club selection will be very difficult with the downhill elevation change and the periodic strong breezes from the ocean affecting play. The large bunker on the left guards one side of the green with a small bunker and a tightly mowed bailout area to the right gathering in all errant shots to the right. The larger green will also provide many interesting putts to score par or better.

オールドコース ホール5

Hole 5Added length will be gained on the drive with the downhill elevation from the tee to the landing area. A delicate short iron shot will be needed to make the green in two and avoid the grass hollows and bunkers at the green surrounds. The back left pin position is by far the most demanding and will prove to be lest for amateur and professionals alike.

オールドコース ホール6

Hole 6The uphill elevation from tee to green will make this hole play twenty yards longer than the yardage shown on the scorecard. The main hazards are located around the green where bunkers protect three sides and a low cut collection area behind the lift greenside bunker. It will be very difficult to judge the correct distance from the landing area to the raised green with the noted elevation difference and the green being long and narrow. The accuracy of the approach shot to the green will often determine if a score of par or better can be earned.

オールドコース ホール7

Hole 7This short par five begins from the elevated tee and gradually bends from left to right as the hole plays downhill. Three majestic trees located in the fairway on the right must be avoided to have any chance of reaching the green in two. A large bunker one hundred yards from the green on the right defends the shortest route of play with the safer second shot being to the left and then having a short pitch to the tiered green.

オールドコース ホール8

Hole 8The beautiful lake on this long par three only adds to the intimidation factor and should not come into play. Two large bunkers are located to the right and back of the green with two smaller bunkers and a tightly mowed recovery area positioned to the left of the green. Being able to get up and down from the areas around the green will often determine the score on this exciting hole.

オールドコース ホール9

Hole 9The view from the tee is framed by the beautiful Buddha statue atop the hillside beyond the green. A sculptured bunker complex on the left of the fairway must be avoided at all costs to not be left with a long bunker shot to the green. The green has three distinct elevations with a large valley running through the middle of the green which will create many interesting putts to save par.

オールドコース ホール10

Hole 10The back nine begins from the elevated tee with the hole gradually turning to the right and descending over twenty meters downhill to the green. The second landing area is well protected with bunkers both right and left requiring all players to choose their desired route of play. The back right portion on the green is the most difficult being lower than the front of the green and being surrounded by tightly mowed areas off the green.

オールドコース ホール11

Hole 11The tee shot plays over a beautiful lake to a well bunkered landing area where there is very little room for error both left and right. The two small bunkers at the green guard both the front left pin position and the back tight creating exciting pin positions on the undulating putting surface. Both the tee shot and the second shot to the green must be well played for any chance of scoring pat or better.

オールドコース ホール12

Hole 12This mid length par three plays slightly uphill to green with the major hazard on the left front. The green is large, but there are many subtle contours within the green that will test the best players to attain par. Proper club selection and a well executed tee shot are imperative in laving a chance to score well on this hole.

オールドコース ホール13

Hole 13Bunkers protect the shortest route of play down the right side of this short par four. With the uphill elevation change from tee to green, caution should be taken in calculation the additional club needed for the extra length. The green will allow for many makeable putts to obtain par or birdie.

オールドコース ホール14

Hole 14 Diagonal bunkers in the landing create varied options for the desired route of play from the tee. The downhill design of the hole will add extra length on all tee shot and will usually leave only a short iron to the green. The large bunger on the left appears to be close to the green, but is actually twenty yards off the green, avoid this bunker at all cost.

オールドコース ホール15

Hole 15 A three wood or utility club may be the better play from the tee. A klong traverses at the main landing area forcing all players to make a decision whether to try and carry the hazard or play short and safe from the tee. A large specimen tree creates anther hazard to the right in the short landing area. The green is framed with majestic mature trees that add to the beauty of this

オールドコース ホール16

Hole 16The longest of par threes on the back nice will play very difficult from the back tees. The water near the tees does not come into play, but adds both beauty and serenity to his exciting hole. Golf playing from the low mowed areas around the green will have to be very resourceful and talented to play these most difficult recovery shots. Many tournaments will be won or lost on this great hole.

オールドコース ホール17

Hole 17Decisions will again have to be made by the golfer at the tee on their desired strategy in playing this hole. The klong crosses at the main landing area forcing most plays to play short of the hazard with this route of play. The green is angled right to left with the most difficult pin locations being in the back left of the green. Getting up and down from the bunkers around the green will test players of all skill levels.

オールドコース ホール18

Hole 18This short par five will play much longer with the elevation uphill from too to green. Bunkers located near the second landing area and around the green will add to the excitement and enjoyment in playing and watching tournaments finish on this hole. The green has a lot of elevation change in the putting surface and will require both experience and skill for proper execution.

Course OUT
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total
Par 5 4 4 3 4 4 5 3 4 36
Black 543 373 449 189 402 423 557 220 422 3578
Blue 506 327 413 154 370 387 520 191 391 3259
White 475 274 403 148 363 379 512 182 375 3111
Red 443 233 357 112 328 302 424 146 328 2673
Hdcp 14 18 2 16 10 6 8 12 4 -
Course IN
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Total
Par 5 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 5 36
Black 578 450 188 359 418 424 231 396 540 3584
Blue 536 424 161 327 381 386 212 369 479 3275
White 505 372 154 302 372 374 186 344 471 3054
Red 445 274 133 276 331 316 129 318 434 2636
Hdcp 13 1 15 17 11 7 3 5 9













50 Moo 9, T.Pong,
A.Banglamung, Chonburi 20150
TEL: (66 38) 909 700



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その他のゴルフ場 レストランや観光もオーダーメイドでリクエストいただけます



名古屋名鉄観光サービス 名古屋メディア予約センター


営業時間 9:30~17:30(月~金)9:30~16:30(土)

東京名鉄観光サービス 東京メディア予約センター


営業時間 10:00~18:00(月~金)

大阪名鉄観光サービス 大阪メディア予約センター


営業時間 9:30~17:30 (月~金)


